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 Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec civilization

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Nombre de messages : 671
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2011

Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec civilization Empty
MessageSujet: Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec civilization   Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec civilization Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov - 20:14

Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec civilization, consisting of the Mexica people, founded in 1325. The state religion of the Aztec civilization awaited the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy: that the wandering tribes would find the destined site for a great city whose location would be signaled by an eagle eating a snake while perched atop a cactus. The Aztecs saw this vision on what was then a small swampy island in Lake Texcoco, a vision that is now immortalized in Mexico's coat of arms and on the Mexican flag. Not deterred by the unfavourable terrain, they set about building their city, using the chinampa system (misnamed as "floating gardens") for agriculture and to dry and expand the island.

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Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec civilization
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