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 Tenochtitlan covered an estimated 8 to 13.5 km2

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Nombre de messages : 671
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2011

Tenochtitlan covered an estimated 8 to 13.5 km2 Empty
MessageSujet: Tenochtitlan covered an estimated 8 to 13.5 km2   Tenochtitlan covered an estimated 8 to 13.5 km2 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov - 20:10

Tenochtitlan covered an estimated 8 to 13.5 km2 (3.1 to 5.2 sq mi), situated on the western side of the shallow Lake Texcoco.
At the time of Spanish conquest, Mexico City comprised Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco at the same time. Since then, the city extended from north to south from the north border of Tlatelolco to the swamps which by that time were gradually disappearing to the west, the city ended more or less at the present location of Bucareli Street.
It was connected to the mainland by causeways leading north, south, and west of the city. These causeways were interrupted by bridges that allowed canoes and other traffic to pass freely. The bridges could be pulled away if necessary to defend the city. The city itself was interlaced with a series of canals, so that all sections of the city could be visited either on foot or via canoe.

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Tenochtitlan covered an estimated 8 to 13.5 km2
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