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 Convex lenses produce an image of an object at infinity at t

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Nombre de messages : 671
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2011

Convex lenses produce an image of an object at infinity at t Empty
MessageSujet: Convex lenses produce an image of an object at infinity at t   Convex lenses produce an image of an object at infinity at t Icon_minitimeLun 28 Mar - 17:06

Convex lenses produce an image of an object at infinity at their focus; if the sun is imaged, much of the visible and infrared light incident on the lens is concentrated into the small image. A large lens will create enough intensity to burn a flammable object at the focal point. Since ignition can be achieved even with a poorly made lens, lenses have been used as burning-glasses for at least 2400 years.[14] A modern application is the use of relatively large lenses to concentrate solar energy on relatively small photovoltaic cells, harvesting more energy without the need to use larger, more expensive, cells.

Radio astronomy and radar systems often use dielectric lenses, commonly called a lens antenna to refract electromagnetic radiation into a collector antenna.

Lenses can become scratched and abraded. Abrasion resistant coatings are available to help control this.[15]

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Convex lenses produce an image of an object at infinity at t
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