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 Once detected, the fire continued

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Nombre de messages : 671
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2011

Once detected, the fire continued Empty
MessageSujet: Once detected, the fire continued   Once detected, the fire continued Icon_minitimeJeu 17 Mar - 4:16

Once detected, the fire continued to spread, but slowly enough that the palace guards and staff were able to rescue many of the contents, depositing them in the snow in Palace Square. This was no mean feat, as the treasures of the Winter Palace were always heavy furniture and fragile ornaments rather than lighter paintings.[38] To create a firebreak, the Tsar ordered the destruction of the three passages leading to the Hermitage, this act saved the building and the huge art collection.[37] The Russian poet Vasily Zhukovsky witnessed the conflagration—"a vast bonfire with flames reaching the sky." The fire burned for several days, and destroyed most of the Winter Palace's interior.[36]

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