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 Western culture

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Nombre de messages : 671
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2011

Western culture            Empty
MessageSujet: Western culture    Western culture            Icon_minitimeDim 23 Jan - 5:00

Roots of the Western civilization may be traced back to 9000 BC, when the first great cultures grew out of agricultural cores in South-West Asia, China, Pakistan, Mexico, and Peru. The Westernmost of this Old World's agricultural cores, the area around the headwaters of the Euphrates, Tigris, and Jordan Rivers in South-West Asia, spread outwards across Europe. [1] Western culture in its strictly European geographical range began with the Greeks, was enlarged and strengthened by the Romans, reformed and modernized by the fifteenth-century Renaissance and Reformation, and globalized by successive European empires that spread the European ways of life and education between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries. European Culture developed with a complex range of philosophy, medieval scholasticism and mysticism, Christian and secular humanism. Rational thinking developed through a long age of change and formation with the experiments of enlightenment, naturalism, romanticism, science, democracy, and socialism. With its global connection, European culture grew with an all-inclusive urge to adopt, adapt, and ultimately influence other trends of culture.

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