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 Roman Republic

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Nombre de messages : 671
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2011

Roman Republic      Empty
MessageSujet: Roman Republic    Roman Republic      Icon_minitimeDim 23 Jan - 4:53

The Roman Republic was governed by a complex constitution, which centered on the principles of a separation of powers and checks and balances. The evolution of the constitution was heavily influenced by the struggle between the aristocracy (the patricians), and other Romans who were not from famous families, the plebeians. Early in its history, the republic was controlled by an aristocracy of individuals who could trace their ancestry back to the early history of the kingdom. Over time, the laws that allowed these individuals to dominate the government were repealed, and the result was the emergence of a new aristocracy which depended on the structure of society, rather than the law, to maintain its dominance.

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