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 In the 1950s, the Cold War moved close to the United States

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Nombre de messages : 671
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2011

In the 1950s, the Cold War moved close to the United States Empty
MessageSujet: In the 1950s, the Cold War moved close to the United States   In the 1950s, the Cold War moved close to the United States Icon_minitimeSam 5 Nov - 11:35

In the 1950s, the Cold War moved close to the United States, in Latin America. The nations of Latin America faced many critical problems, including widespread poverty and poor health care. The United States saw this threat to their own security and businesses in Latin America, and used the label of Communism to wage terrorist and military operations. Through the Cold War, the United States removed many democratically elected leaders of Latin American countries through covert CIA operations and replaced them with leaders who were more friendly to the United States' interests.
Arguably, this interference with the democratic system in these countries created a blowback because many Latin Americans rejected the United States involvement. Many of the leaders who were put into power positions by the United States became dictators and oppressors as well.

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In the 1950s, the Cold War moved close to the United States
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