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 On November 1, Austin sent a note to Cos, suggestion

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Nombre de messages : 671
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2011

On November 1, Austin sent a note to Cos, suggestion Empty
MessageSujet: On November 1, Austin sent a note to Cos, suggestion   On November 1, Austin sent a note to Cos, suggestion Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov - 19:48

On November 1, Austin sent a note to Cos, suggestion that the Mexican army surrender. Cos returned the note unopened, with a message that he refused to correspond with rebels.[40] Austin sent men to reconnoiter the town's perimeter and discovered that the fortifications within the city were stronger than the Texians had believed. On November 2, Austin called a council of war, which voted to continue the siege and wait for reinforcements and more artillery before attacking.[41] Members of the Texian army were impatient to begin the fighting however. Austin complained to the provisional government on November 4 that "This force, it is known to all, is but undisciplined militia and in some respects of very discordant materials."[42] He followed this note with a strong plea that "In the name of Almighty God, send no more ardent spirits to this camp!"[42]

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On November 1, Austin sent a note to Cos, suggestion
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