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 Traditionally home of the Ramindjeri clan of the Ngarrindjer

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Nombre de messages : 671
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2011

Traditionally home of the Ramindjeri clan of the Ngarrindjer Empty
MessageSujet: Traditionally home of the Ramindjeri clan of the Ngarrindjer   Traditionally home of the Ramindjeri clan of the Ngarrindjer Icon_minitimeVen 4 Nov - 16:55

Traditionally home of the Ramindjeri clan of the Ngarrindjeri people, the bay on which Victor Harbor sits was discovered by Matthew Flinders in the HMS Investigator in April 1802. Flinders was surveying the then unknown southern Australian coast from the west. He encountered Nicolas Baudin in the Le Geographe near the Murray Mouth several kilometers to the east of the present day location of Victor Harbor. Baudin was surveying the coast from the East for Napoleonic France. The ships returned to the bay and sheltered while the captains, who were probably unaware their countries were at war, compared notes. Flinders named the bay Encounter Bay after the meeting.

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Traditionally home of the Ramindjeri clan of the Ngarrindjer
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