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 The region of the Valley of Mexico receives anti-cyclonic

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Nombre de messages : 671
Date d'inscription : 04/01/2011

The region of the Valley of Mexico receives anti-cyclonic Empty
MessageSujet: The region of the Valley of Mexico receives anti-cyclonic   The region of the Valley of Mexico receives anti-cyclonic Icon_minitimeMar 1 Nov - 15:18

The region of the Valley of Mexico receives anti-cyclonic systems. The weak winds of these systems do not allow for the dispersion, outside the basin, of the air pollutants which are produced by the 50,000 industries and 4 million vehicles operating in and around the metropolitan area.[47]
The area receives about 820 millimetres (32.3 in) of annual rainfall, which is concentrated from June through September/October with little or no precipitation the remainder of the year.[45] The area has two main seasons. The rainy season runs from June to October when winds bring in tropical moisture from the sea. The dry season runs from November to May, when the air is relatively drier. This dry season subdivides into a cold period and a warm period. The cold period spans from November to February when polar air masses push down from the north and keep the air fairly dry. The warm period extends from March to May when tropical winds again dominate but do not yet carry enough moisture for rain.[48]

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The region of the Valley of Mexico receives anti-cyclonic
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